About CE
We have a clear vision for the industry to deliver excellence through collaboration. Our vision is that within a decade:
- The sector will be attractive for investment and as a career, both at home and internationally. It will have addressed how it is educated, structured, funded, led a
nd motivated to collaborate and continually innovate.
- Relationships between client and supply side will have changed radically, success will depend on delivering and exceeding client’s desired outcomes.
- Exceptional performance will mean collaborative working and BIM to enable lean processes
- All organisations will be measuring, reporting and sharing data about performance
- New models of procurement will provide for appropriate profit and encourage innovation through aligned commercial incentives for best whole-life outcomes.
- Integrated ‘TotEx’ solutions will erode client-side and supply side silos to be replaced by ‘alliance networks’ focussed on outcomes.
- The supply side will take ownership as a shareholder in the wider venture, working as partners to conceptualise, fund, design, deliver, operate, maintain and reuse built assets.
- End-users of built assets will be key in assessing whole life value, a virtuous spiral of continuous improvement will be driven by user experience.
- Reward for value will be the way of getting paid.
Our Core Principles
Our core principles are drawn from the 1998 Egan Report and remain as relevant today as they were 20 years ago.
- committed leadership: management must believe in and be totally committed to driving forward and the improvement agenda and ensure effective communication of the required cultural and organisational changes throughout the whole organisation.
- a focus on the customer: the customer should drive everything. The best companies should provide precisely what the end customer needs, when the customer needs it and at a price that reflects value for the customer.
- integrate the process and the team around the product: the most successful enterprises do not fragment their operations – they work back from the customer’s needs and focus on the product and the value it delivers to the customer. The process and the production team are then integrated to deliver value to the customer efficiently and eliminate waste in all its forms.
- a quality driven agenda: quality means not only zero defects but right first time, delivery on time and to budget, innovating for the benefit of the client and stripping out waste, whether it be in design, materials or construction on site. It also means after-sales care and reduced cost in use.
- commitment to people: this means not only decent site conditions, fair wages and care for the health and safety of the work force. It means a commitment to training and development of committed and highly capable managers and supervisors. It also means respect for all participants in the process, involving everyone in sustained improvement and learning, and a no-blame culture based on mutual interdependence and trust.
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