The Constructing Excellence in Yorkshire and Humberside seminar series completed its first series with a deep insight into the IUK Infrastructure Routemap and some great case studies of strategic project management in action.
Addleshaw Goodard kindly hosted the event which was attended by 35 professionals from the sector and again attracted interest from both East and South Yorkshire. Facilitated by TCC, the presentations from Professor Denise Bowyer of Leeds University, Neil Yates from Yorkshire Water and Jon Oldridge of Tata provided the delegates with a thorough understanding of the way in which projects are able to use the Infrastructure Routemap as a way of creating alignment and dealing with complexity in projects, and noting that half of project failures are down to cultural and corporate differences and lack of trust. Denise presented on the use of the tools in associated with the routemap to drive understanding across delivery teams, and establish any gaps.
Neil explained that the AMP5 programme had recognised early on the need for strategic planning and how in the Capital Out Performance group, setting joint strategic objectives, producing a clear commercial strategy, and collaboration facilitated by co location had all led to much improved and more effective decision making.
John Oldridge had observed on their key rail projects how collaboration and co location had also enabled cultural change leading to a focus on ‘one goal’ allowing such things as ‘designing safety in’ and noting that the ‘prize is in delivery’
About Constructing Excellence Events
Each of our events seeks to bring in support from the various Institutions and professional bodies involved in the sector, please contact us if you have ideas for the programme or would like to get involved. We have been working on the next series which will commence on the last Wendesday in January with ‘Youth Excellence’ including presentations from Alison Watson of Class of Your Own and Rob Wolfe, Construction and Housing Yorkshire, taking us from classroom to apprenticeships and thereby shaping the future of the Industry. ‘Regulation Excellence’ in February will feature update in both planning and building regulations, finishing in March with a presentation fully supported by RICS Yorkshire and featuring an insight into the QS approach in Australia.
Developed by Centre for Knowledge Exchange part of the Leeds Metropolitan University this exciting new programme aims to provide a regular focus and deliver on the most important and relevant aspects of the construction and property sector. Based on a breakfast seminar slot on the last Wednesday of each month, the series aims to bring construction leaders and practitioners together for networking and collaboration around a themed topic on each occasion.