Yesterday over 20 guests and CE members came together to hear about the CEYH centres activities over the last year and to be invited to get involved in our CEYH 2015 awards on July 17th 2015 at York Railway Museum .
The morning was a bit of a treat and an opportunity to launch our forthcoming awards , invite judges and sponsors to be involved and also let members know about a couple of funding opportunities for organisations in the YH region .
Before jumping into the awards I took a moment to celebrate and share some of the successes CEYH has achieved since starting back in September 2013 .

1. Collaboration with the CE club
As one of Constructing Excellence’s nine regional partners we have forged excellent working relationships with our CE club to deliver a consistently well attended programme of monthly breakfast events here in Leeds , Sheffield and Hull – striving to promote work done through our CE national member task groups on changes to CDM regulations , new models of procurement , passiv haus and green building excellence, BIM and many other topics . All events have received good to excellent ratings in feedback showing we are doing something right and meeting the needs of construction organisations big and small within the region .
2. Exciting Membership offer
Aside from our programme of events we have worked with the club to develop a membership offering which is appetising and spiralling offering a wide range of activities to get involved in at a modest rate including attendance at our sister networks thinkBIM and green vision free of charge .
3. New Regional Board
We continue to develop our regional centre and in January will commence our CEYH board meetings which will drive and shape our agenda over the year to come . More of this to be announced in the New Year !….
4. Engaging the Young Professionals
Not only have we developed and strengthened our relationship with our club and national members but we have also worked closely with our young professionals group G4C supporting them with events marketing and most recently their G4C awards which are now open for submissions and will take place on Feb 13 in Sheffield . The winners of the G4C awards will form the short list for our young achiever award at the regional awards next year .
5. Celebrating Success at the CEYH Awards
Our regional CE awards have gone from strength to strength with our most recent awards attracting Peter Hansford, Chief Construction advisor to the government , as the keynote speaker and over 350 construction sector professionals coming together to celebrate success across the region. Further to this Yorkshire and Humber took home two awards for Innovation and Client of the year at the national CE awards in London .(see great blog write up by our very own @lizschofieldmay here )
Our relevance and effective dissemination of national activity at regional level is excellent and we are continually striving to improve our offering to members developing publications such as our winners brochure which is produced annually from our awards ceremony .
6. Communicating our message
Liz Schofield is working hard to develop our blog and communication channels so that our members and winners get great publicity for all of their work and now have a following of over 1000 on our twitter account and articles from our events being published on the national website and other leading sites such as BIM crunch and UKGBC pinpoint .. All achievements we are very proud of .
7. Coordination and collaboration
Our new project coordinator Donna organises and liaises with our guests , speakers and members and who above all keeps me on my toes and ensures we are reaching out to new partners and collaborating across the disciplines and sector .
8. Striving for excellence
We strive for cross disciplinary excellence in construction advocating collaborative working and digital construction and aim to provide the same excellence for our members with a regular , enjoyable and informative home / network that is inclusive and provides a platform for open knowledge exchange and networking .
We have come a long way in just over a year and look forward to what we may be able to achieve in 2015 with an established supportive board who will drive and direct the centre to provide events and networking and sharing of lessons learnt in projects and from task groups in an open way
If you would like to be more actively involved in the region by becoming a member please do call our team on 0113 8127601. As members you get full access to all of our events and opportunities to promote your organisation and projects via our blogs and social media platforms . We are always looking for case studies and thought pieces by members to share on our national platform and our regional blog – you can write for us , be interviewed by us for a tweet chat or speak at one of our events … There are no barriers to entry – we just want to join up the region and collaborate and form long standing relationships which bring benefits to us all .
This success is down to a few peeps :
John LORIMER – for being a supporter of what we do and believing that we could make a success of a now very strong regional centre
Tom Oulton for tweeting furiously – speaking at events and acting as a CE and BIM ambassador in his role as CIC regional BIM champion
Steph and Will at Addelshaws for supporting and hosting our excellence breakfasts on a monthly basis
Duncan Reed for leading our BIM implementation training and consultancy with construction smes across the uk and for his continued support and dedication to thinkBIM
Thanks to Andrew Arundel for supporting the development and growth of the regional centre .
Last but not least to the regional professional bodies who continue to work closely with us to ensure we avoid clashes and collaborate where possible – thanks to Mark Conner and Simon Owen at CIBSE , Mark Wilson at CIAT and Fiona Evans at CIOB for their active support .

After I gave a round of CEYH activity in the region Kirsty Oldroyd introduced the EU Funding available for training and skills of construction employees within SMEs in the Sheffield City Region – here is the LRF Construction Oview . For more information regarding this funding offer please make direct contact :
For further information:
Kirsty Oldroyd – LRF Programme Manager Ingeus
07785 620823
Ian Price – Skills Broker Ingeus / Account Manager Skills Made Easy
T: (0114) 2296183
M: 07827 236805